cyp's PHILLY, PA adventure
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February 20, 2003
Betcha thought it would never happen, but it has happened. Enjoy yourself... it isn't everyday you get a new update from me!!!!

So, let me fill you in. Over the Christmas holidays, I (among other things) got "reunited" with some old, high school friends I hadn't seen or spoken to in years. I had a really good time with my family, as well. Speaking of family, the pic on the left is my sis and her beau. Aren't they cute??

Classes started back later for me than for most everyone else because I only have class on Monday night, Tuesday night, and two Saturdays this semester. That was pretty cool.

Work is still going strong... I love the teachers I work with, and besides the crazy climate, it's the best place to work EVER!!!

Among the most interesting things I have done this semester have been going to Capstone Casino, going to Casey's surprise birthday party, and taking the LSAT.

By far, my favorite thing so far has been my trip to Texas. Casey's new nephew, Kenny, was born on her birthday, and I went with her to see him. Her two nieces are adorable, as well, and I just had a really good time.

So, now, I am focusing on schoolwork (yeah, right!) and doing my taxes. :) I hope you are having a great semester, and I also hope that you sign my guestbook so I will know you were here! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll right below this.

What I've Learned...
Here is Brittany's way to solve a problem (a partially trivial problem, that is):

 1. Determine what it is you are choosing between.
 2. Pick one randomly. It doesn't matter which one.
 3. Decide if you are happy with that choice.
 4. If you are happy with it, then there's your answer.
 5. If you aren't, repeat steps 2-4 until you are.

So far, this technique has worked really well for me. Try it out yourself and let me know how it goes.

Keeping Fit

Which is your favorite type of workout?

Running/ Jogging





Yoga/ Pilates

Lifting Weights

Walking from the Couch to the Fridge and Back



Current Results


Last Updated: 20 February 2003